Member Since 2015
Member Since 1984
Member Since 1993
Member Since 2000
Member Since 2022
Member Since 2004
Member Since 2010
Member Since 2019
Blair HealthChoices is the administrative entity charged with overseeing a contract between the State Department of Public Welfare and the County of Blair for Medical Assistance Behavioral Health Services. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services are provided to Medical Assistance recipients by Community Care Behavioral Health Organization (CCBHO), a Behavioral Health Managed Care Organization who in turn, contracts with a wide array of service providers to provide the services. As the oversight entity, we ensure that the Medical Assistance recipients receive a choice of providers for their services, that they receive quality care, that medical necessity criteria are met and it is all done with an eye on cost containment.
Member Since 2007
Member Since 1991
Member Since 1995
Member Since 2001
Member Since 2011
Member Since 2021
Member Since 1989